“No, no, no, I am not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”
January 14, 2018
President Trump gets under my skin; if you’re here, he probably gets under yours, too.
Many teachers mumble to themselves, and occasionally to each other, how gullible “those” people must be to support him. How can anyone believe what the man says when the evidence screams otherwise?
And then we shuffle off to our classrooms, arms full of papers and books, pockets full of markers, and do what we do. We teach using the best, the very best research education has to offer. And we do it wrong.
We cater to learning styles, we worship the learning pyramid, we tell kids to go figure out this world on their own.
All of it nonsense, but belief (or pretending to believe) is part of the American cult of pedagogy.
We do the same thing in education.
A little self awareness goes a long way.
Of course he’s a racist….but you might be, too.